佐賀の固有性とスクールの役割を俎上に今期の公開シンポジウムが昨29日の15時から17時まで,佐賀市柳町の歴史民俗館内旧古賀家で開催された。パネリストは石山修武、森正洋、難波和彦、 ヨルク・グライター、マリア・セシリア・ロスキアボ・ドス・サントスの各氏が務め、これにワイマール・バウハウス大学OBのヨルク・ネニッグ、ウルフ・プライネス、職人代表の松木憲司、実務者代表の伴浩幸、権堂浩、八頭司美紀、棚橋みさ子、教務代表の伊藤啓太郎、佐賀代表の野口強司、三原季晋、そして学生代表の吉田貴之、野本和範の各紙が加わり、円卓を囲んでのディスカッションが一般公開のもとで行われた。テーマは「九州・佐賀─新世紀への展望」。グローバリゼーションとローカリゼーションの世界的潮流のなかで、佐賀の場所の固有性がいかに発現されるべきか、またそのなかで早稲田バウハウス・スクールin佐賀がどのような役割を果たしうるのかを中心に、多角的な議論が繰り広げられた。
Impressions of the Workshop
-Chrysostomoss NikolopoulosHaving presented my Diploma Project on the 21/2/2000 at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and having already decided to participate at the Waseda Bauhaus School Workshop in Saga it just took me a plane ticket to leave Greece. The trip in itself was rather interesting since within a 30 hour period I had contact with the Zurich Airport, the Kansai Airport, the city of Fukuoka and finaly Saga (this was Definitely more experience input than I was used to during the last months, when most of the time I was staying home working on the project).
I didn't actually know what to expect from the workshop since Japanese language ability was extremely limited. The solution for the communication problem as it turned out to be one of a more good will nature. This ought to be proven by the everyday communication which is a rather interesting situation and sometimes rather amusing for my contract persons, (especialy when I am trying to speak japanese) Some how it seems that in a very peculiar anglo-japanese context it works rather well.
The content of the lectures though is the real loss. The revision which I am given to by fellow students or tutorial staff afterwards are very helpful and by following the visual material while asking (sometimes rather annoying...) questions I usually get a slight feeling of it but it is not even close to really tutorial. Nevertheless, something which is coming through even without the perception of the content is the aura of some of the spokespersons. For instance although I didn't really understand what Mr. Sakata was saying I definetely was fascinated by his personality and the lecture he gave.
The working environment is definitely very interesting. The composition of the pre-fab buildings framed by the creek and the container in front was the first photograph I actually took in Saga. When I started my travel I rather considered that work would take place in something closer to a sterile office space. I must admit that the actual space is close to what I personally really like and consider very creative working space.
The general impression which I got from the work at Prof. Ishiyama's Workshop is extremely good and therefore my desire to study at the Waseda University is now even higher. I just hope that everything will work out well and that I will be able to do so soon.