Movile Village for Fukuoka 2016
Mobile Village, project of a media vllege for Fukuoka Olympics, could also be planed as temporary residencial areas for emergency restoration
FUKUOKA Olympics
Open Tech world JE
Self-build Chimney - Oninuma base camp
Oninuma base camp
Oninuma One Sheet JE
Oninuma One Sheet Constructing
Hiroshima House
Oninuma One Sheet JE

Hiroshima House
Beijing 7 Star Morgan Plaza + Hiroshima House in Phnom Penh JE
The Residential Engine (1969) converted a hybrid system of GM cars is created for residential energy independence. Residential Engine
In Yokohama Grand Mall project, it is scaled up to urban area. Yokohama Grand Mall
One Sail Project : Oninuma JE
The Ideal city & Village of Huludao, proposal for the residence and farm city, which has 150,000 people. koro
Setagaya Village project becomes continuous with Ideal city plan in China under the one concept. I want to connect the drawing of ideal model with daily lifestyle. This is also a vision. koro
One Sail Project : Oninuma JE