研究室 制作ノート006
Finland pavilion: TSAI & ABEL

Chinese text by 蔡翼全

Abel Erazo
About our Pavilion of Silence in Fiskars village, Finland, as a starting point we want to concentrate in the concept of sound from the nature. In a space like the forest there is no axis or hierarchy. Like inside the water, human enter in a different and dense space. In the forest the individual feel himself to be the メmoving centerモ, if we donユt move, the space does not appear to our eyes, it keeps hidden. Forest spaces provide both, a means of naturalizing and a democratic, non hierarchical organization conceived around the small man. The action to move is personal and concerns the individual. Each time different, depending on the person, the man moving inside the forest draws an invisible path or tunnel around himself, made by texture, sound and images.
This road is actually a multi dimensional space. Inside one personユs mind it can be recognize as a メvirtual tunnelモ. To start to visualize the virtual tunnel it needs an action, like in the forest if we dont move nothing will happen. Once we start to move following the texture, the sound in a relation of time start to gradually construct the space. The texture is the structure and the sound the atmosphere. Its what I call: The Tunnel of Sound.
Each person makes a new tunnel in his approach from the inside of the outside to the outside of the inside, the physical construction of this tunnel is the pavilion itself highlighting the sound experience with visual objects. The result can be read as a non-ending approach, メthe act of drawing spatially closer to something that is always changingモ...or as an approach to ourselfs.

研究室 制作ノート005
SAI & ABEL のアイデアについて

 私のラフなスケッチをベースに、二人からアイデアが提示された。SAI は五〇才のカナダ系中国人、ABELは三〇才のチリ人である。SAI のモデルは三味線のアナロジーで ABEL のもフォルムへの強い関心から出発している。二人共コンセプトモデルであると言い張るのだが、これは明らかに直接フォルムがむき出しに提示されていて、話の継ぎ穂が得られない。私のスケッチが悪い方向へと誘導したのだろう。
 一月十五日 石山記
制作ノート 制作ノート 3
石山修武 世田谷村日記

(C) Osamu Ishiyama Laboratory , 1996-2006 all rights reserved
SINCE 8/8/'96