Non-existence/Dualism/Memory SOPHIE CALLE by SHIBAHARA, Satoko
"i keep back many things in each box,but it isn't because these are is my life itself."
NON-EXISTENCE She keeps back anyhow what was got from people, and object with episode in a box anything. The objects are photographies,mail,clothes and even foods.It still continue incresing and has a huge quantity. She says that these objects are not important for her and it is for her "it is my life itself." From this, I thought that these objects of hers are near a diary only by having taken habitually. She doesn't record daily life in written form and she is continuing recording to keep back objects. In her autobiography-work related privately, the photography and the objcts in a photo placed like proof to the episode of the text next the photography.This is arousing the imaginative power to episode.That is the double existence as a real function of object,for example,the function of olothes is to wear, and as a proof to awake whose memory is given to "object".


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