

02/13/2013 「表紙」





"Title page"

An electric generator for Setagaya Lifestyle School Paper-play Theatre

This is an electric generator designed for the paper-play of the

beautiful air, flower and bird by David Bauer from Weimar. The content

of the paper-play will be uploaded soon.



Ein Solarpanel für das Setagaya Lifestile School Theater.

Dies ist unser Aufbau zur nachhaltigen Energiegewinnung für das

Theaterstück "Roots and Wings" von David Bauer aus Weimar. Text und

Bilder des Stücks werden bald hochgeladen.


02/04/2013 「花と鳥の旅」活動報告














On February 3rd, we have performed a paper play entitled "The travel of the flower and the bird" at Chikozan Shineiji Temple (the Jodo‐Shin [True Pure Land] sect) in Abiko, Chiba.

Many children and their parents came to see our play.

We would like to exhibit this paper play to you visitors of our homepage bit by bit.

The author of this play is David Bauer, a future architect from Germany. Germany is famous for her policies on environmental problems. It is included in the education curriculum for young generation in Germany. Without such policies, it is not possible to make decision to demolish nuclear power plants. This problem actually is a problem of education, and eventually, although it might sound exaggerate, but is the problem of religion.

According to David, the citizens of Germany are aware that they will face a difficult time after its decision to demolish nuclear power plants. This paper play is our attempt to have an opportunity to slowly think about such problem in our context here in Japan. Although we are hoping that our ideas can be shared in Japanese, English and German, we are not sure if this is possible.

We are thinking to combine some ideas from other project of forest to this project occasionally.

The origin of this paper play is at the live event on December 23 of 2012 in Setagaya, Tokyo, thus some of our articles may refer to the events in the past.

Osamu Ishiyama

Casting role: Storyteller & Translate to Japanese

February 4, 2013
