“Regeneration Project of Art School for Children in Old City, India”
Recruitment for Participants
* インド西部バローダ近郊にある建築学校 Vadodara Design Academy において、2016 年 3 月 18 日から 25 日の 8 日間開催します、国際建築ワークショップです。

*DATE: 18th-25th, March, 2016 (8 days)
[ なお、ワークショップ後26日-28日に近郊アーメダバードにて建築見学・V.B.Doshi 事務所訪問を 行なう予定です (参加は自由 )。]
Part 1. Survey of the old town area in Vadodara City.
Part 2. Architectural design and Regeneration planning of the old town area
*SITE: Vadodara Design Academy (B/H. BANCO PRODUCTS,OFF. PADRA ROAD,NEAR ASHARAMBAPU ASHRAM, Bil-Chapad Road,Vadodara, Gujarat 391410, India) (WEBSITE: http://www.vda.in/)
Day 1st (18th) *Participants gathering (at noon)*Guidance of the VDA campus*Opening Ceremony (Explanation of the detail of the workshop)
Day 2nd (19th) / Day 3rd (20th) / Day 4th (21th) *Programme of Part 1
Day 5th(22th) / Day 6th(23th) / Day 7th(24th) / Day 8th(25th) *Programme of Part 2
Day 9th (26th) *Dismissal
The following professors to have a lecture during this workshop.(*Scheduled)
*Nirav Hirpara *Osamu Ishiyama *Kijo Rokkaku (via video)
*Kengo Sato *Juichi Iida *Junko Taguchi
■Design Assignment :
“First Proposal of a school for children to learn paintings, sculpture and basic architecture in old city in India”
*Presentation of the design assignment above will be held on 18th of March, on the first day of the workshop. Please submit some drawings, and models.
*You will also introduce yourself with the presentation.
*Scale and main functions: several classrooms, dormitory for teachers (about 5 small rooms), gallery, atelier/studio and other necessary functions.
*Material and structure: Something that is available at the site locally.
*Site: Old Town in Vadodara city, Gujarat, India. Each participant can freely imagine his/her site.
[Additional Assignment]
“Drawing of the detail of the part of your design plan. You will constract it with a scale of 1 to 1 in the workshop.”
*Kengo Sato(Assistant Professor, Vadodara Design Academy / STUDIO GAYA)
Email: sato@setagaya-mura.net
URL: http://setagaya-mura.net/jp/india-ws.html
Indian International Design Workshop 2016 in Vadodara Design Academy
第二回 インド-アジア建築学校研究会
■日時: 2016年2月20日(土)18:15 - 20:00
■場所 : 東京大学 本郷キャンパス御殿下記念館・学生支援センター 3 階第 1 会議室
■内容 :
1. VDA Workshop 2016 の概要と課題の説明
2.「学校を作る学校について」 佐藤研吾 Kengo Sato
(Vadodara Design Academy Assistant Professor 東京大学工学部建築学科博士課程在籍、スタジオ GAYA)
3.「建築教育における私塾と子どもの位置づけについて―世界の事例から」 田口純子 Junko Taguchi
( 東京大学先端科学技術研究センター・特任研究員 )
ご参加される方は事前に下記連絡先までお知らせいただ けますと幸いです。
*Kengo Sato(Assistant Professor, Vadodara Design Academy / STUDIO GAYA)
Email: sato@setagaya-mura.net
URL: http://setagaya-mura.net/jp/india-ws.html
“Regeneration Project of Art School for Children in Old City, India”
Recruitment for Participants
* インド西部バローダ近郊にある建築学校 Vadodara Design Academy において、2016 年 3 月 18 日から 25 日の 8 日間開催します、国際建築ワークショップです。
[ 日本からの参加者を 10 名程度募集いたします。]
・参加費:20,000 円 (JPY)(税込、宿泊費込み。渡航・交通費別途となります。)

*DATE: 18th-25th, March, 2016 (8 days)
[ なお、ワークショップ後26日-28日に近郊アーメダバードにて建築見学・V.B.Doshi 事務所訪問を 行なう予定です (参加は自由 )。]
Part 1. Survey of the old town area in Vadodara City.
Part 2. Architectural design and Regeneration planning of the old town area
*SITE: Vadodara Design Academy (B/H. BANCO PRODUCTS,OFF. PADRA ROAD,NEAR ASHARAMBAPU ASHRAM, Bil-Chapad Road,Vadodara, Gujarat 391410, India) (WEBSITE: http://www.vda.in/)
Day 1st (18th) *Participants gathering (at noon)*Guidance of the VDA campus*Opening Ceremony (Explanation of the detail of the workshop)
Day 2nd (19th) / Day 3rd (20th) / Day 4th (21th) *Programme of Part 1
Day 5th(22th) / Day 6th(23th) / Day 7th(24th) / Day 8th(25th) *Programme of Part 2
Day 9th (26th) *Dismissal
The following professors to have a lecture during this workshop.(*Scheduled)
*Nirav Hirpara *B.V. Dodhi *Osamu Ishiyama *Rajeev Kathpalia
*Juichi Iida *Kengo Sato
■Design Assignment :
“First Proposal of a school for children to learn paintings, sculpture and basic architecture in old city in India”
*Presentation of the design assignment above will be held on 18th of March, on the first day of the workshop. Please submit some drawings, and models.
*You will also introduce yourself with the presentation.
*Scale and main functions: several classrooms, dormitory for teachers (about 5 small rooms), gallery, atelier/studio and other necessary functions.
*Material and structure: Something that is available at the site locally.
*Site: Old Town in Vadodara city, Gujarat, India. Each participant can freely imagine his/her site.
*Kengo Sato(Assistant Professor, Vadodara Design Academy / STUDIO GAYA)
Email: sato@setagaya-mura.net
URL: http://setagaya-mura.net/jp/india-ws.html
"Indian International Design Workshop 2016 in Vadodara Design Academy"事前説明会開催
■日時 :2015 年 12 月 26 日 ( 土 ) 18:00 - 20:00
■場所 : 東京大学 山上会館 地下会議室
1.WORKSHOP 2016 の概要説明、前回の活動報告 *当日資料配布いたします
2. 日本とインドの SCHOOL 設立・展開
(R.Tagore の初期学校と、岡倉天心の日本美術院を発端として )
--佐藤研吾 Kengo Sato(Vadodara Design Academy Assistant Professor東京大学工学部建築学科博士過程在籍、スタジオGAYA)
3. インド・新ナーランダ大学の生活について
--中村晃朗 Akiro Nakamura( Nalanda University 修士課程在籍 )
4. コメント・意見交換(岡本佳子氏 ( 国際基督教大学アジア文化研究所 ))
■主催:Vadodara Design Academy(http://vda.in/)
■連絡先:スタジオ GAYA(http://setagaya-mura.net/)
TEL : 03-6319-8958 / E-mail : sato@setagaya-mura.net /
*12月26日の説明会・研究会、および3月のワーク ショップへご参加を希望される方は、上記メールア ドレスへご連絡ください。 *なお、12月26日の会合終了後には、簡単な懇親会 を予定しております(インド料理)。

“Indian International Design Workshop 2016 in Vadodara Design Academy”の概要(2015/12/04時点)
* インド西部バローダ近郊にある建築学校 Vadodara Design Academy において、2016 年 3 月 18 日から 25 日の 8 日間開催します、国際建築ワークショップです。
[ 日本からの参加者を 10 名程度募集いたします。
参加費:20,000 円 (JPY)(税込、宿泊費込み。渡航・交通費別途となります。)
*DATE: 18th-25th, March, 2016 (8 days)
[ なお、ワークショップ前後に近郊アーメダバードにて建築見学・V.B.Doshi 事務所訪問を 行なう予定です (+3-4 日程度、参加は原則自由 )。]
Part 1. Survey of the old town area in Vadodara City.
Part 2. Architectural design and Renovation planning of the old town area
*SITE: Vadodara Design Academy (B/H. BANCO PRODUCTS,OFF. PADRA ROAD,NEAR ASHARAMBAPU ASHRAM, Bil-Chapad Road,Vadodara, Gujarat 391410, India) (WEBSITE: http://www.vda.in/)
Day 1st (18th) *Participants gathering (at noon)*Guidance of the VDA campus*Opening Ceremony (Explanation of the detail of the workshop)
Day 2nd (19th) / Day 3rd (20th) / Day 4th (21th) *Programme of Part 1
Day 5th(22th) / Day 6th(23th) / Day 7th(24th) / Day 8th(25th) *Programme of Part 2
Day 9th (26th) *Dismissal
The following professors to have a lecture during this workshop.(*Scheduled)
*Nirav Hirpara *B.V. Dodhi *Osamu Ishiyama *Rajeev Kathpalia
*Juichi Iida *Kengo Sato
2015年3月に開催しましたWorkshop in VDAのドキュメント・リポートをご紹介いたします。 以下、VADODARA DESIGN ACADEMYのウェブサイトにそのリポートのデザインが公開されています。
Documentation of the design workshop 2016 in Vadodara, India.
・PDF File
Kengo Sato
(VDA Assistant Professor, STUDIO GAYA)
Pavilion model with bamboo (under consideration)
Drawing sketches (under consideration)
VADODARA: The brain behind Japan's Hiroshima House — the peace memorial in memory of Hiroshima's tragedy and 'Tower of Silence' built to commemorate Helen Keller's visit to Japan — will now build a school where budding artists and architects will be groomed in Gujarat.
Osamu Ishiyama, Japan's internationally acclaimed architect professor, will set up a school where children will learn paintings, sculpture and basic architecture in rural Gujarat.
As a first step in this direction, 71-year-old Ishiyama brought seven students and two professors from Japan's Tokyo University and Waseda University to city-based Vadodara Design Academy (VDA) where a four days joint workshop of Indian and Japanese students was held to create seven models for the school.
Ishiyama, who retired from Waseda University's Department of Architecture, wants to set up the school for minorities whom he defines those who are disabled, the deviants and the disenfranchised.
"Seven teams each consisting of one Japanese students and three Indian students carried out the design assignments including models of classrooms, dormitory for teachers, gallery and studio space among others for the school," VDA's director Nirav Hirpara said.
Umeta, Sindhrot, Jaspur, Chansad and Chapad — all on the outskirts of the city — were selected as study sites.
After the brainstorming session, Ishiyama has taken this thought process to Japan. "The actual site for the school will be selected after a proper survey," said Hirpara, adding that VDA has also entered into an agreement with Ishiyama's Studio Gaya in Japan.
The agreement between VDA and Studio Gaya is for conducting academic, design and building workshops apart from village surveys and documentation study programme.
"The next step will be an international workshop with budding architects from Mexico, Brazil's University of Sao Paulo, Columbia and Mainland China," said Hirpara.
日本からは学生7名、インドからはVDA(Vadodara Design Academy)の学生21名が参加。両学生を混合したグループを作り、3月6日から9日までの4日間の作業にあたりました。
期間中、石山修武(STUDIO GAYA)、Nirav Hirpara(VDA Derecter, Professor)、Rajeev Kathpalia(Vastu Shilpa Consultants)、佐藤研吾(VDA Assistant Professor, STUDIO GAYA)の 講義を開講しました(敬称略)。
我々は今後もこうした活動を継続していきたいと考えています。 近々、今回のワークショップを報告書としてまとめ、改めて詳細をお知らせする予定です。
(VDA Assistant Professor, STUDIO GAYA)
14th Mar. 2015
Workshop in Vadodara Design Academy ended in a great success, in Gujarat, India.
Seven Japanese students and 21 Indian students (from VDA) had participated this workshop which was held during 6-9th Mar. 2015.
The theme was "Project of a school for children to learn art and architecture and a space for 'minority' people in a village in India." In the workshop, a course of lectures was given by Osamu Ishiyama (STUDIO GAYA), Nirav Hirpara (VDA Derecter, Professor), Rajeev Kathpalia (Vastu Shilpa Consultants), and Kengo Sato (VDA Assistant Professor, STUDIO GAYA).
The final critique was held in a bamboo-dome pavilion which was constructed by the VDA students in the afternoon of the final day, March 9th.
We are hoping to continue and develop this workshop in the future. We will draw up and show a documentation of this workshop soon.
Kengo Sato
(VDA Assistant Professor, STUDIO GAYA)
14th Mar. 2015
■期間:2015年3月6日-9日 4日間
■場所: Vadodara Design Academy
(B/H. BANCO PRODUCTS,OFF. PADRA ROAD,NEAR ASHARAMBAPU ASHRAM, Bil-Chapad Road,Vadodara, Gujarat 391410, India)
(※HP: http://www.vda.in/)
・石山修武(Architect, STUDIO GAYA, Japan)
・B.V.Doshi(Architect, Vastu Shilpa consultants, India(ゲストクリティーク))
・Nirav Hirpara(Director of Vadodara Design Academy, India)
・飯田寿一(Architect, Vastu Shilpa consultants, India)
・佐藤研吾(Architect, STUDIO GAYA, Japan)
■参加費:20,000円(JPY) (渡航費、宿泊費除く)
■宿泊場所:Vadodara Design Academy構内に宿泊場所有り。詳細は現地にて指示。
- 連絡先 –
TEL: 03-6319-8958
E-mail: ishiyama.arch@setagaya-mura.net
2月10日 詳細な課題内容をHPにて発表、本期間までに各自課題に取り組む。
3月 6日 (1日目)
講義(夜): 石山修武「石山の建築作品とMAN-MADE NATURE」
佐藤研吾「小さな庭1 自然対する工作の在り方について」
7日 (2日目)
講義(昼): 飯田寿一
佐藤研吾「小さな庭2 作図における自然の感受の在り方について」
8日 (3日目)
講義(朝): Nirav Hirpara
佐藤研吾「小さな庭3 大地と人の記憶の関連について」
9日 (4日目)
□期間:2月24日-3月5日 10日間
□参加費:16,000 円(JPY) (渡航費除く)
□場所: Sumeru14,Nr Sarthi Hotel, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad, India.
□講師: ・飯田寿一(Architect, Vastu Shilpa consultants, India)
・Sharad Jhaveri (Researcher, Editer, India)
□内容: 右記WSに先立ち現地インドにて、WSのための設計図書、プレゼンテーションボード、模型他を作成する為の準備期間。併せてインドのスラム、工事現場等を調査する。
- 連絡先 –
TEL: 03-6319-8958
E-mail: ishiyama.arch@setagaya-mura.net