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2013.09.05 RENEW!

SSM2[13/09/05-2] 世田谷(烏山)ストリートミュージアム(仮称)の出展作品について






佐藤 研吾 Kengo Sato

SSM1[13/09/05-1] 世田谷(烏山)ストリートミュージアム(仮称)いよいよ開演









ちなみに、ミュージアムの実施場所である石森さんの家には立派で鬱蒼とした竹藪がある。普通の住宅の庭ではあり得ない程に立派である。道から見ると展示場所である塀はその竹の塊の下に位置する。その塀と竹藪には現在ブリキでできた烏の絵馬が飾ってある。(添付した写真を参照。)この三匹の烏たちが飾られてから既におそらく4ヶ月が経過したが、風が吹かれようが雨に降られようが、まったく落ちずにユラユラと揺れている。そしてこれら3匹の烏は皆何故か揃って西を向き、何処かに向かおうと隊列を成しているのである。この、風に吹かれて微かに揺らめきながら西を向くこの烏達を見て、オーバーにも、三人の妖怪を連れて砂漠を渡った三蔵法師の旅を創造的に綴った中国の長編伝奇物語『西遊記』を思い浮かべてしまう人は何処かにいらっしゃらないだろうか。まあいらっしゃらなくても構わないが、この「DIARY TO THE WEST」ページがそうであったように、世田谷‘道’美術館もまた彼の壮大な空想の旅に見立てて進めやせぬか。『西遊記』が「西に遊ぶ」と書くように、このミュージアムの寸劇物語もゆらゆらと群景を描きながら徒然と進めてゆくことになろうか。



佐藤 研吾 Kengo Sato

12:[13/08/22] Cattle, Stupa, Villager and Mani in Matho village


11:[13/07/19] Many stupas are dotted around this area


In front of these two stupas, which are located in a conner of DRUCKLING GOMPA(temple) not far from Archi village, lots of firewood limbs are piled up.

In here, many stupas are dotted around this area.

10:[13/07/17] The night of Archi village


The night of Archi village which has a height of 3000 meters is covered by shape of mountain and stars all over the sky.

The icon, which is the combination of sun and moon, was painted on the stupa. The icon means that in 11th centery, people here might be already knew that the circulation of birth, aging, sickness, death of human being and the movement of the universe are somehow connected.

9:[13/07/10] The image of “Goman・Chorten” in the morning


The image of “Goman・Chorten” (=stupa) in the morning lined up in the front of sumtseg in Alchi Monastery Village, Ladakh was spectacular.

Several people were pilgrimaging around the area of the temple while turning their Mani wheels. And this might be a sort of daily task to them.

8:[13/07/07] View from the hill of LEH, Mt.Stok Kangri 6153m


There are also grades for mountains. In the perspective of Himalayas, which is over 6000m high, 3000m is sort of little hills.

I am now watching form the hill of LEH at the greet stupa which was built by Nichiren sects of Mahayana Buddhism among those mountains climbed only by foot by Tripikata.

2 July 2013

7:[13/06/28] the object with the solar energy system in the site of the Master Tripikata Memorial Hall in Nalanda, India.


the object with the solar energy system in the site of the Master Tripikata Memorial Hall in Nalanda, India.

6:[13/06/17] We showed Mr. Tota Kaneko our plan of the Japanese Temple in Five Elements Mountains Area, Da Nang, Vietnam.

We showed Mr. Kaneko our plan of the Japanese Temple and the bell tower as the first plan of Japan Vietnam Cultural Center located in Five Elements Mountains Spiritual and Cultural Park, Da Nang, Vietnam.

Mr. Kaneko’s haiku (Japanese poem) will be engraved on the bell. The haiku will be accepted in this autumn.

Mr. Tota Kaneko is one of the most active post-war authors.

He also made a great contribution in respect to the internationalization of haiku poetry, by visiting China and some western countries to promote haiku and by establishing an international department within the Modern Haiku Association. Mr. Kaneko remains a vigorous front runner in the world of haiku.

We already have received some contribution for the construction of the bell and the bell tower.

We will do our best.

June 17th , 2013

Osamu Ishiyama







6月17日 石山修武

5:[13/05/31] Master Tripikata in Nalanda

Recently, I went to Nalanda in India and visited the building plot which will be used to construct several architecture in the site of Nalanda University. Of course, this site was used to be the Grand of Master Tripikata at the same time too. I admired this Grand tour, faced the magnificent Master Tripikata Memorial Hall, which is also built in Nalanda, used as a commemoration of this grate Master.

On the back of the sculpture of Master Tripikata, there is a large sack with a small sunshade shelter inside. And there is even a lamp hanging on his hat for the night too.

Not only his spiritual strength, but also, he must be well developed on his physical strength, so I wondered.

That is why I have to be prepared for the tour to the west, both Spiritually and Physically!

29 May, 2013

Osamu Ishiyama


つい先日、インド・ナーランダに行きました。建設される予定のナーランダ大学のキャンパス予定地を見てきました。当然、三蔵法師のGrand Grandツアーの姿もおがんできました。玄奘三蔵記念堂がナーランダにはあり、その壮絶な旅姿らしきと対面しました。






4:[13/05/24] --1: Image of the Bell Tower in Japanese Temple in Five Elements Mountains, Vietnam

Image of the Bell Tower in Japanese Temple in Five Elements Mountains

--2: About Economic development and promising in the future of Danang


I am not only a tourist, but also, I am thinking about letting corporations and companies of Japan to get in to the market of Vietnam. Now, there are only 87 Japanese companies, or about 200 Japanese working stuffs are staying in Vietnam. That is why in my opinion, it is very important and necessary to join these two counties together, throughout a deeper and better communication of economy. Today we are constructing a Japan-Vietnam communicating center at the bottom of the “Five-Elements Mountain”, which is a serial of mountains located near the beach, in Vietnam. Approximately 7,000 square meters of the land will be used to construct this architecture, as well as a museum is also planed in this area. Professor Osamu Ishiyama of WASEDA University is contributing this project now. And we are wholeheartedly hopping that you can make a great help for us! The history of the communication between Japan and Vietnam is more than 400, even may be 500 years long. From now on, let us do it together and begin a new era of these 2 countries!


Vice-President of Department of ambassador to Japan

-Da Nang Project

3:[13/05/21] We will bring "Karakuwa Shichifukujin Theater" from Japan to Da Nang, Vietnam

-Da Nang Project

Karakuwa Shichifukujin Theater Project

Kosaba Bay, a small bay located in Karakuwa Town, Tohoku, Japan, had suffered great damages from the 3.11 East Japan Great Earthquake. Two years have passed from this disaster, but the reconstruction of this bay does not seem to make much progress.

Wishing for people to have hope for their port town’s reconstruction, this project proposes to grow a forest by planting cherry trees and to reconstruct Karakuwa Seaside Thaeter as Karakuwa Shichifukujin Theater by designing its stage – the unique festival of the town.

“The dance of Shichifukujin” is one of the programs in this festival.

This is a traditional dance performed by the fishermen’s wives who are left on land represents their pray for the safe journey of their husbands.

Shichifukujin (The seven gods of good luck) are the Japanese gods that carry happiness from far ocean by the treasure ship. We are expecting to make the reconstruction of this performing art a symbol of the town’s reconstruction, together with planting of plants.

When Japan was stricken by the East Japan Great Earthquake in the spring of 2011, the Guanyin Temple at the foot of the Five Elements Mountain have made financial contribution to the disaster areas, making the quickest reaction than anyone.

We will bring the Theater from Karakuwa, Japan, to Da Nang, Vietnam. We give it in return for the temple's great kindness, and make the start of the revonstraction in Karakuwa.

2:[13/05/16] Master Plan of Japanese Temple in Five Elements Mountains Area, Da Nang, Vietnam

Master Plan of Japanese Temple in Five Elements Mountains Area, Da Nang, Vietnam.

Da Nang Japanese Temple

-Da Nang Project