ドイツ巡回展:MAN-MADE NATURE @Stuttgart







大震災によって深刻な被害がもたらされ、現在もなお続く日本・FUKUSHIMAの原子力発電所事故は、明らかな人災であろう。人類の近代科学の原理的思考への妄信が生み出し、もはや人為の範疇を越えつつある原子力をはじめとするエネルギーシステムの脆さを、大自然の力学が露出させたのである。それはまた、近代世界史上にも極めて深刻な悲劇として残る可能性が大きくある。 もはや自然までを含めた、我々が生きている世界はそうした不安に塗れたエネルギーの問題の只中にある。我々は安易な回答は出す事はできないが、遅々としてもいるわけにはいかないのである。 科学技術に妄信しつつある、近代世界システムが向かおうとする未来への筋道をいくらか修正すべく、思考を過去へと遡行させ、人類古来の原始的な信仰の形式を我々の思考の基底に賦活する。古来人間の世界観を示した造形としての偶像=アイコンと、それを守り荘厳するための小さなお堂を、FUKUSHIMAをはじめとする日本に限らないいくつかの地点で計画している。

The landmark of thoughts / icons and small shrines

- Taking the winding path: energy in the world of anxiety -

The disaster at at the nuclear plant in Fukushima triggered by the great earthquake of 3.11 apparently is a man-made disaster. Dynamics of great nature has revealed the fragility of the energy system such as nuclear power, which was originally generated as the outcome of human's unquestioning believes in the fundamental ideas of modern science and which also is at the same time way beyond the control of human being. It is highly possible that this disaster will be remembered as one of the most tragic disasters in the history of the modern world. The world we live in, including the world of nature, is in the midst of energy issues, filled with anxiety. Although we should not respond to this situation with a quick easy answer, we should not be acting too slowly. In order to revise the future that the modern system is facing towards, we will take our thoughts in a backward direction to reactivate ancient people's primitive worshipping format within the base of our thoughts. Icons that represent the cosmology of the ancient people, and small shrines to protect and enrich these icons are being designed not only for Fukushima but also for other places outside Japan.

6-12 June, 2012








Vision from the Ocean

- Acceptance and collective of sea gods / Isuzu Shrine treasure ship project -

Within Japanese folklore is a framework called Sichi-fukujin, the Seven Lucky Gods, in which several gods coexist.They show up together on “ trasure ship”, that is believed to to carry happiness along. For the fishing people of Kesennuma, who treat the ocean as their capital, petition for the safety of their fishing is fundamentally vital. They perceive the world through the great ocean. On the island jutting out to Kesennuma Harbor, is located Isuzu Shrine, where unique Japanese god is worshipped. By comparing this island, where the souther and northern ocean current intersect, to a treasure ship, firstly invite Mazu - the sea goddess with more than two hundred million worshippers, which has expanded its influence along the coast of East Asia with Taiwan in the centre. Together with Mt.Anbasan as the background of the city, the collective of sea gods and goddess will form the framework of Kesennuma people's spirit. This year in 2012, there will be opportunity for these gods to encounter each other.

6-12 June, 2012






Vision from the Ocean

-Reconstruction of the structure of Fish Eating City-

The reconstruction plan for the fishing city Kesennuma, located in Tohoku Area in East Japan, would include perspective from the ocean as infrastructure, which roots back to the ancient time. By setting the Mt.Anba-san, which stands out as the background landscape of this prominent fishing port for Japanese deep-sea fishing, as the gate of the revitalization of the city. This project seeks to revive Kesennuma as the most popular Fish Eating City in East Asia, by combining existing fishing industry and fish eating tourism industry, and by involving visitors from all around the world. For the future of designs, its combination with folkloristics and its projection of the idea over international region is very important.We are considering the plan to reconstruct Kesennuma as a spot of tourism as an infrastructure of this reconstructing city, based on our interpretation to take East Asia as one cultural sphere.

6-12 June, 2012





2011年3月11日、マグニチュード9.0の大地震が東日本を襲った。津波による死者と行方不明者を併せると約2万人を数えた。膨大な死者を輩出する大災害の後に、建築家=創造者は自らの知に頼ることを始まりにすることへの巨大な疑問が生じた。自然は人工と対比すべき世界ではなく、古来人工を包摂し含み込み続けた根本のインフラストラクチャー、すなわち生命の、その死を内包する生命体であり、それは又インフラストラクチャーを持つ骨格である。すでに我々に身近な自然らしきモノもそれ自体の中に治癒のデザインを求めている。身近な自然すらも寄り添うモノを必要とする程に病んでいるのだ。 安波山鎮魂の森計画は、膨大な死者を鎮魂するために、気仙沼湾前面に位置する安波山を植樹によって荘厳するものであり、同時にそれは復興後の気仙沼の新たなインフラストラクチャーとなる。2012年5月27日に最初の植樹祭を行う。

Infrastructure of the Nature

-Mt.Anba-san Forest of Repose Project-

On March 11th 2001, great earthquake of magnitude 9.0 hit Tohoku area of Japan. As the result, the dead and missing people count upto 20,000 people. After such a tragic disaster causing an enormous number of deaths, a big question had to be asked on the attitude of architects - or so called creators - regarding their self-intellect-oriented process of creation. Nature should not be contrasting with the man-made world, but should rather be the fundamental infrastructure, which, from ancient times has continued to subsume artificial creations - it is a life that connotes the death of lives, and thus is a framework that holds infrastructure. Nature always finds ways to cure within itself, but the nature around us also needs to be nurtured and be cared. Mt.Anba-san project is to give peace to the large number of victims by enriching the mountain by planting trees, and at the same time it will become a new infrastructure for Kesennuma after its rebirth. The first planting festival will be carried out on May 27, 2012.

6-12 June, 2012



これまで石山研究室のプロジェクト群の基調であった開放系技術は、2011年の3.11.以降、人間と自然の関係を総合するMAN-MADE NATUREの考えをハイブリットさせる事になった。そうせざるを得ない。そして、さらに新たな種類のコミュニティの発生を促す思考へと拡張しつつある。3.11.以降も創作者であり続けようとする私たちは、物体のデザインと考えのデザインの境界線上を歩いてきたことに意識的になった。そのため、特に3.11.以降のworksを新たに追加した私たちのマスタープランには、この姿勢の骨格を私たちなりに呈示した。すなわち、マスタープランを横断する開放系技術の軸は3.11.以降のworksへ向けて同軸上に延長されていく一方で、情報のみをツールとして唯物空間へ作用する種のデザインの性質を、3.11.以前を含む全てのworksを再配置するように示している。ワイマールでは1軸で示された開放系技術の骨格が3.11.以降に緩やかに溶融しながら、自然と人間を含む総合を捕らえようとするMAN-MADE NATUREを包括し始めた様を、シュトゥットガルトでのMAN-MADE NATURE 2 と名付けることとした。

After 3.11.2011 (Great Tohoku Earthquake), the idea of open technology - the foundation for Ishiyama laboratory’s past projects - had to form a hybrid relationship with the idea of MAN-MADE NATURE, the idea to synthesize the relationship between human and nature. This formation had to happen. It is growing to become the idea to urge the formation of new type of community.We, who still want to continue being creators, became more self-conscious that we had been walking on the boundary between the design of things and design of ideas. With such background, we tried to show the structure of such attitude in the master plan of our projects with our new projects after 3.11.As the result, while the axis of the open technology that runs across the masterplan extends itself into the works after 3.11, the characteristics of designs that takes only information as the tool to work on materialistic spaces and all the works before 3.11 were rearranged.We have given the names of MAN-MADE NATURE 2 in Stuttgart – to this very unique situation in which the structure of open technology, that was represented as a single axis in Weimar, is slowly dissolving to swallow the idea of MAN-MADE ATURE, the idea that synthesizes human and nature.

6-12 June, 2012



ドイツ巡回展『MAN-MADE NATURE 2』@Stuttgartは本日12日より開催されます。

12-24 June, 2012


12-24 June, 2012


The revised masterplan for MAN-MADE NATURE Exhibition in Stuttgart, 2012

June, 2012


exhibitions arrived at Stuttgart

June, 2012

